Saturday, March 22, 2008

"A More Perfect Union" (General Discussion)

As you are already aware, there has been much debate over the past two weeks about, seemingly, inflammatory remarks made (on previous occasions) by the pastor of Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama: the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. On Tuesday, in response to the criticisms leveled against both he and Rev. Wright, Sen. Obama delivered (before a Pennsylvania audience) a long-desired speech on the issue of race in America.

Yesterday, I watched the speech in its entirety, and now that I've seen it, I feel compelled to share my opinion about it, with you. I don't think I have ever witnessed a more poignant, reasoned, and thoughtful address on matters of race and ethnicity. More significantly, perhaps, it was all encompassing. Sen. Obama called attention to, not only, the plight of Afro-American citizens, but also the hardships, misconceptions, and biases of all American citizens who have felt disaffected, at one time or another, because of issues related to race.

I find it disconcerting that, despite his progressive-minded discourse on an extremely divisive issue, some people still fail to acknowledge that Barack Obama was unequivocal in his repudiation of the comments made by Rev. Wright. It is unfair for anyone to suggest that he should have simply severed all ties with a man who has been like a father to him; who presided over his marriage to his wife Michelle, baptized his daughters, and served as the inspiration for his best-selling book, The Audacity of Hope. More significantly, the fact that some people's opinions on certain individuals and topics are based on them listening to a select number of sound-bytes, is saddening. To conclude that the profound message the speech contained was overlooked, if not outrightly dismissed in some cases, by any number of people, is a dreadful commentary on the American people's ability to reason.

In the hope that this message won't be lost on any of you, I have provided the full clip (and several others) of Senator Barack Obama's speech. You can locate it near the bottom of this page, and for future reference... any similar video clips of particular importance will be marked with the heading FYI (for your information).

Once again, I implore you to take the opportunity to listen to the speech. It is nothing short of remarkable, and anyone who hears it will surely be hard pressed to ever forget it.

Do you find this sermon to be obscene? You be the judge. Click here..."God damn, America!"

1 comment:

Angel said...