As the great American economist Irving Fisher pointed out almost 80 years ago, deflation, once started, tends to feed on itself. As dollar incomes fall in the face of a depressed economy, the burden of debt becomes harder to bear, while the expectation of further price declines discourages investment spending. These effects of deflation depress the economy further, which leads to more deflation, and so on."
Friday, February 6, 2009
This Ain't No Game
As the great American economist Irving Fisher pointed out almost 80 years ago, deflation, once started, tends to feed on itself. As dollar incomes fall in the face of a depressed economy, the burden of debt becomes harder to bear, while the expectation of further price declines discourages investment spending. These effects of deflation depress the economy further, which leads to more deflation, and so on."
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama

President Barack Obama faces the most daunting challenges ever experienced by an American president in modern history. Our nation's armed forces have been stretched virtually beyond their capacity as they continue to prosecute two separate wars on two vastly different terrains. America's economy has been imperiled by a phenomenally crippling recession. The habitability of this planet is under increasing threat because of the radical changes to its climate. We are undoubtedly in the midst of a period lacking in certainty.
Barack Obama was not elected to the Oval Office with the expectation that he would work miracles. As he stated on the night of his election, "The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term...There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won’t agree with every decision or policy I make as president, and we know that government can’t solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face."
In this era of immeasurable strife it is incumbent upon us to be patient with our government as it works diligently to resolve these conflicts.
It is also incumbent upon us to be demonstrative in the manner that we express our opinions on the myriad of issues that affect both our lives and livelihoods; especially when we take exception.
Americans should insist that their representatives in government act sensibly as they work alongside President Obama to address these concerns, and seek to work in concert with him whenever possible.
Liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, our fates are intertwined.